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Project News

Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana

 Students' Accommodation Block

Cape Coast Technical University (CCTU) is mandated to provide higher education in Engineering, Science and Technology based disciplines, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Applied Arts and related disciplines. CCTU's aim is to train its students to be academically and technically capable to match the challenges of the 21st century and its goal is to be a leading, innovative technical university with local, national and international influence.

AM DevPro has designed an accommodation block for 2,176 students and has signed a contract with the university to provide finance and construct the accommodation on campus. The student hostel accommodation project is on a Build - Operate - Transfer (BOT) basis as agreed with the university.

In addition to the hostel accommodation there will be ancillary facilities to make students comfortable and to create a serene environment that enhances academic work. Additionally, the accommodation will have a library and study complex, shops, a café and business centre, a laundry and restaurant.

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Ghana

Independence Hall Extension

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, is a world-class academic centre of excellence, spearheading west Africa’s pursuit of technological advancement.

The University of Science and Technology succeeded the Kumasi College of Technology which was established by a Government Ordinance and opened officially on 22 January 1952. By act of Parliament, in 1998 the university was renamed Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

AM DevPro is providing funding and construction services for an extension to existing university accommodation for approximately 1,000 students to a design already prepared by KNUST’s architect. The student hostel accommodation project is a Build - Operate - Transfer (BOT) arrangement with the university.

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